Dear Parent/Guardian,

At this time of the academic year, Year 9 students begin the process of selecting their Key Stage 4 curriculum. At Kings College, we are continually reviewing our curriculum to ensure that we offer our students breadth, balance, and choice. You and your child will have hopefully accessed the subject information talks from their teachers about each subject online. Our final option blocks have been formulated as a result of the initial student interest.


Your child must study the mandatory core subjects. These include some ‘non-qualification subjects’ which do not have any exams and do not lead to a certificate. However, it is important that your child studies these courses as they will help develop the wider knowledge and skills needed for their future.

The core subjects are:

–      English GCSE

–      English Literature GCSE

–      Mathematics GCSE

–      Science Trilogy GCSE (worth two GCSEs)


Non-qualification core subjects:

–      PSHE (includes careers, sex and relationships education, health and wellbeing)

–      Religious Education

–      Physical Education (core PE)


Your child must now choose three of the following options. There must be one option from each of the following blocks:

Option Block A Option Block B Option Block C



Design Technology

Media Studies

Food Tech





Computer Science

Sport Science

Child Development




Design Technology

Performing Arts



Your child should think about the following when choosing their options:

–      Which subjects do they enjoy?

–      What are their learning strengths and skills and which subjects do these go well with?

–      Does the balance between coursework and examinations suit them?


Your child should not choose a subject because:

–      They like the teacher – the teacher may not be teaching that class next year.

–      Their friend is choosing it – they may end up in a different class to their friend.

Every option form will be checked by Mr Williams and if there are any concerns regarding your child’s option choices, you will be contacted to discuss further.  We are keen to work in partnership with you at this key time, so that your son/daughter makes the most appropriate choices for the future. Do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or queries regarding the options process or wish to meet, along with your child, to discuss the final option choices.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Ferguson

Vice Principal